How to Build a Strong Candidate Experience and the role of the ATS

In the fiercely competitive Japanese landscape of talent acquisition, providing an exceptional candidate experience has become a critical success factor for recruitment agencies. A strong candidate experience not only enhances the employer’s brand but also ensures the attraction and retention of top talent. This guide outlines the key initiatives recruitment agencies can take to create an positive candidate experience from application to onboarding, emphasizing and how the role of an Applicant Tracking System (ATS) can help to facilitate this process.


1. Streamlined Application Process

The candidate experience begins with the application process. Recruiters must ensure that this process is straightforward, user-friendly, and efficient. A lengthy or complicated application can deter potential candidates. Implementing a mobile-friendly application system, minimizing unnecessary steps, and providing clear instructions can significantly enhance the initial candidate experience. An ATS can streamline the application process by allowing candidates to auto-fill information, upload resumes effortlessly, and track their application status in real-time.


2. Clear and Timely Communication

Effective communication is crucial throughout the recruitment process. Candidates appreciate transparency and regular updates about their application status. Recruiters should establish clear communication channels and ensure timely responses to candidate inquiries. Automated email notifications and personalized messages. The effective use of an ATS, can keep candidates informed and engaged, reducing anxiety and improving their overall experience.


3. Personalized Candidate Engagement

Personalization is key to making candidates feel valued. Recruiters should take the time to understand each candidate’s background, skills, and career aspirations. An ATS helps by storing detailed candidate profiles and interaction histories, allowing recruiters to tailor communication and interactions to reflect this understanding. Personalized engagement demonstrates that the agency genuinely cares about the candidate’s career journey.


4. Professional and Respectful Interactions

Every interaction with a candidate should be professional, from interview scheduling to conducting interviews and providing feedback. An ATS provides recruiters with a means to facilitate professional interactions by automating scheduling, sending reminders, and ensuring that all communication is consistent and timely.


5. Efficient Interview Process

The interview process is a critical component of the candidate experience and often a barrier to a successful experience and ultimate hire. Therefore recruiters should ensure that the process is well-organized, timely, and relevant to the position. Providing candidates with clear information about the interview stages, what to expect, and how to prepare can help reduce anxiety and create a positive experience. An ATS can help streamline the interview process by coordinating schedules, managing feedback, and providing a centralized platform for all interview-related activities.


6. Constructive Feedback

Providing constructive feedback, whether positive or negative, is an essential part of the candidate experience. Candidates appreciate honest and helpful feedback that can aid their professional development. Recruitwea should ensure that feedback is delivered promptly and constructively, highlighting strengths and areas for improvement. An ATS can help track and manage feedback, ensuring that it is delivered consistently and constructively.


7. Smooth Onboarding Process

Often an overlooked element of the candidate experience, however a smooth onboarding process is vital for transitioning new hires into their roles effectively. Recruiters should collaborate with employers to create a comprehensive onboarding plan that includes orientation, training, and introductions to key team members. An ATS can facilitate a seamless onboarding process by automating document collection, tracking onboarding tasks, and providing new hires with access to necessary resources and information from day one.


8. Continuous Engagement and Retention

The candidate experience does not end with onboarding. Recruiters should maintain ongoing engagement with placed candidates to ensure their satisfaction and address any concerns. Regular check-ins, professional development opportunities, and fostering a sense of community can contribute to candidate retention and loyalty. An optimitized ATS can help track engagement activities and monitor candidate satisfaction over time.


9. Leveraging Technology

Technology plays a significant role in enhancing the candidate experience. Recruiters should leverage their ATS and other technology solutions to streamline processes and improve communication. An ATS can provide data analytics to offer insights into candidate preferences and behavior, allowing for more targeted and effective engagement strategies.


10. Employer Branding

Another often overlooked aspect of a quality candidate experience is the importance of a strong employer brand in attracting and retaining top talent. Recruiters should work closely with employers to promote a positive employer brand through social media, company websites, and job portals. Using an ATS can help efficiently manage and distribute branded content, ensuring that candidates receive a consistent and compelling narrative that resonates with their career goals.


Creating a strong candidate experience requires a holistic approach that encompasses the entire recruitment journey. By streamlining the application process, maintaining clear communication, personalizing engagement, and ensuring a smooth onboarding process, recruitment agencies can build lasting relationships with candidates and secure the best talent for their clients. Utilizing an ATS enhances efficiency and consistency, ultimately leading to a more positive candidate experience and improved recruitment outcomes.

Tamago-DB is the easy-to-use, multilingual, multicultural cloud based ATS platform designed with modern global recruiting practices. For details on how we can support your agency through productivity improvement and ROI please reach out to